AndroidWorld: A Dynamic Benchmarking Environment for Autonomous Agents
Android in the Wild: A Large-Scale Dataset for Android Device Control
How to deploy interpretable models on Google Cloud Platform
How to quickly solve machine learning forecasting problems using Pandas and BigQuery
How to train Boosted Trees models in TensorFlow
Reinforcement Learning on Google Cloud
How to normalize features in TensorFlow
Logistic Regression from scratch (and how to make it nonlinear)
How to train Machine Learning models in the cloud using Cloud ML Engine
Batch Normalization with TensorFlow and tf.keras to train deep neural networks faster
Automated Machine Learning: Deploying AutoML to the Cloud
sql_magic: Jupyter Magic for Apache Spark and SQL databases
Pivotal Insights Podcast: Data Science and Sports
How Curry Ball Will Impact March Madness Brackets.
Using Apache Spark to Analyze the NBA.
How To: Scaling a Machine Learning Model Using Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
Data Science How-To: Text Analytics-as-a-Service.
Data Science-Powered Apps for the Internet of Things
Scoring-as-a-Service To Operationalize Algorithms For Real-time.
Speech recognition using dynamic time warping.